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Meghan's Hypnobirth

This story is a brilliant example of a birth journey which had to change due to unforeseen circumstances (a fast labour and meconium in the waters) but thanks to hypnobirthing it was a lot more positive experience than might otherwise have been.

Thank you for your hypnobirthing lessons a few months ago during Meghan's pregnancy.  On Monday 11 November we welcomed our daughter, Eliza, to the world.   


You asked us for some feedback on whether the hypnobirthing was effective in preparation for the birth and during the labour itself.  We have thought a lot about this and it is not easy to answer!  In terms of preparing us for the birth then yes, the lessons were very useful, not only regarding the hypnobirthing but also the supporting medical information.  Meghan felt she had a better understanding of what would happen physically during labour and thus made her feel more empowered with a greater understanding of the procedures.  The relaxation techniques were also taken onboard and practised in the weeks leading up to the birth.  Although Stephen was not around during the weekdays, we made use of the CDs and some recordings we made ourselves, that Meghan listened to daily, in order to prepare mentally.


The due date (2 Nov) came and went with no sign of movement, something that surprised the midwives in Tavistock who thought that Meghan and baby were ready in all other respects.  The advice you provided allowed us to consider the options available and after a second sweep on the morning of the 11 Nov Meghan went into labour.  However, based on the experience of others, one scenario we had not prepared for was a speedy delivery – which is exactly what happened. The first surge was felt at 3:15pm and were already 5 mins apart.  After an attempt to use the TENS machine and then a bath, we called Derriford who agreed for us to come in.  

At this point the plans we had for the labour (use of a gym ball, light-touch massage, calm music and podcasts, time at home etc) went out the window.  On arrival Meghan was already 8cm dilated and there was a significant amount of meconium in the waters.  Coupled with the lack of time to prepare the breathing techniques and the subsequent loss of pain relief options at this stage, there was a sense of urgency.  However, we did draw on your guidance by rejecting some of the more invasive options put to us that we may have otherwise allowed.  Meghan was also supported in her wish to adopt the most appropriate stance, which started with standing and ended with a variation of a squat on the bed.  The result was the natural birth of Eliza only 6 hours after the whole process started.


Overall, while the actual labour went a lot faster than expected, Meghan's experience leading up to it was a lot more relaxed and incident-free than many others she has heard of. The birth plan also ensured that Stephen cut the cord and the request for early skin-to-skin contact was followed through. Alas, the sudden onset of labour meant the controlled build-up we had envisaged could not take place, but we both feel that the lessons we received were worthwhile and certainly promoted a sense of calm in the weeks leading up to the birth. We would happily follow this path again in any future pregnancy (whether there is another baby though remains to be decided!)


Meghan and Stephen did decide to have another baby!  They had a refresher course and once again used hypnobirthing techniques. 

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